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Guardian Public Service Awards 2017


Guardian Public Service Awards 2017

Baby Lifeline shortlisted for the Guardian Public Service Awards 2017!

Baby Lifeline is delighted to announce that its BIRTH2 Maternity Training Initiative has been shortlisted for the Guardian Public Service Awards 2017 in the Learning and Development category – sponsored by Skills for Care.

The BIRTH2 UK Maternity Training Initiative (Bringing Interactive Responsive Training to Hospitals) was launched in 2014 as Baby Lifeline’s direct and practical response to the NHS Litigation Authority’s report on ‘Ten Years of Maternity Claims’ (2012). Key themes to improve safety emerging from the report – which recognised the benefit of multi-disciplinary training – formed the basis of the training that has been provided.

Budget restrictions in the NHS have led to a reduced investment in training generally and in particular for external training where the interaction between those from different professions and different organisations is beneficial to maintaining standards of care.

Leading professionals form an extensive faculty to provide valuable training that is delivered in 9 regions across the UK; enabling doctors, midwives, nurses and others to come together to continue their professional development. Our training looks at ways to promote safety through best clinical practice and communication to ensure the healthiest outcome possible from pregnancy and birth.

“Learning from claims and reducing harm is at the heart of the new Safety and Learning Service of the NHS LA. The training provided by Baby Lifeline supports our focus to reduce harm associated with maternity care, in particular to support the NHS in monitoring fetal heart rate and prevention of the deteriorating baby.”  – The NHS Litigation Authority

The winners and runners-up will be announced at an awards ceremony on 28 November 2017 and a special supplement will be published online and in the paper on 29 November 2017.